subtle HDR preset - thirty bench winery

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I'm a fan of HDR's and I could spend hours tweaking one to perfection (my version of perfection anyways). I personally have nothing against HDR's and have an appreciation for them as a methodology to to simply increase the range or a style when going for the dramatic, rendered effect. When executed with care, they turn out beautifully.

This set was taken by bracketing at +/-0.7ev. +/-0.7 is a good range to increase the range just enough to give it that pop while not going HDR happy.

There is more to it than just running it through Photomatix. This shot took more masking and adjustments to look the way it did now. One of the main things I look out for is the trade-off between revealed detail and noise, a shot at iso100 can easily look like it was shot at iso400. I don't bother trying to compose a HDR when you're shooting at iso400.

You can find this Photomatix preset here.

Mind you that the preset will not work for every shot. Each HDR requires its own attention to the adjustments to achieve the look you want. Having said that, this may be a decent starting point. The main thing I change when I start out with this preset is the temperature as that seems to be what varies the most for me.





The final product.
Thirty Bench Vineyard

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